At PGM & SON Pest Control Hereford we don’t just offer pest control and pest eradication services, we also offer pest waste cleaning and removal services.
See how effective our pigeon guano cleaning service is from the photos below of the recent pigeon guano cleaning job we carried out at a public house in Herefordshire.
We’ve worked with expert buildings restoration partners to ensure historic buildings are clear of pest waste prior to restoration works being carried out so we’ve got the experience and contacts to help you to restore your historic building to its former glory.
And, we don’t just handle pigeon guano. We carry out cleaning and waste removal for all sorts of pest waste problems including bird mess and rodent droppings and urine.
We’re experts in cleaning pest waste from buildings.
PGM & SON Pest Control Hereford also works with landlords to ensure that property letting are free from pest activity and pest waste prior to and after tenancy. We provide a clean bill of health service for landlords which can help with release of deposits from Tenancy Deposit Protection Schemes.
Some of the issues PGM & SON Pest Control can help with include:
Removal and cleaning of bird droppings from brickwork
Cleaning pigeon guano from historic buildings
Pest disinfection services
End of tenancy pest cleaning services and pest clean bill of health
Bird proofing
Crime scene cleaning and trauma scene cleaning
Pigeon guano is acidic and can corrode stonework, metal and brickwork so it’s important to ensure early intervention to ensure that problem does not become worse. If you’re a business, having a building covered in foul smelling bird droppings isn’t a great image!
Customers may not want to do business with you or visit your premises if you have a serious pigeon guano problem.
Pigeons also carry a variety of diseases and pigeon guano can become airborne in small particles which can lead to respiratory complaints. In fact, there have been some recent serious issues reported in hospitals alleged to be linked to pigeon droppings.
So if you have a building that is covered in pigeon guano, call PGM & Son Hereford carry out professional and safe cleaning and removal for you.
Need pigeon guano removal in Hereford & Worcester?
Call PGM & SON Pigeon Guano Cleaning and Removal Services
today for fast and effective solutions.
Schedule a free no-obligation quote today Click Here
Call on 01981 241334 / 07964 370480 for advice and guidance.
Email us at contact@pgmpestcontrol.co.uk
or use our live chat facility at www.pgmpestcontrol.co.uk
