Need to get rid of Wasps? Worried about Wasp stings? Got Wasps in Hereford or Worcester? Call PGM Pest Control for SAME DAY Wasp Control Service on 01981 540088.
Wasp Nest Control
Wasps are an asset to the environment as they control other small pests. However, we know they can be a nuisance and potentially dangerous to some people and pets.
At PGM we always look at ways to resolve the problem both for the client, their family and in consideration of the wider environment.
The Wasp
Common wasp, German wasp (Vespula Vulgaris / Vespula Germanica).
You may find nests in the following areas:
Roof spaces
Wall cavities
Nests are formed of paper (chewed wood) and the sizes vary
In this video you'll see a queen wasp building her nest.
Colonies will survive one season in the UK.
Weather depending, a new nest starts around Spring by the overwintered Queen.
Wasps may be aggressive is threatened.
Some people are allergic to wasp stings and they can be fatal.
The cycle is: egg, larvae, pupa, adult
Eggs are laid (up to 1000) in hexagonal cells throughout the Spring and Summer
The larvae are legless grubs and they develop in 4 weeks
The pupae develop in 2 weeks
Wasp Identification
Adults are winged and around 10-20mm long
They have a distinctive black and yellow colouration
Queen wasps are the same but much larger Sluggish behaviour and a low bumbling buzz.
You will hear them, see them and may even be stung by them
Sometimes their nests are also seen and they can also be very large
Wasp Control Measures
They are relatively easy to control with sprays and dust applicators
Safety clothing should be worn when treating a wasp nest, especially in an enclosed location
At PGM and Son we see a lot of problems with wasps in Herefordshire & Worcestershire and surrounding areas. Wasps can inflict a painful sting and in some rare cases a single sting can induce anaphylactic shock – an extreme reaction to the toxins in the wasps venom.
Call us for advice and solutions
Have you got wasps? Need wasp control? Having a problem with Wasps? Looking for wasp nest removal service? Need a wasp nest specialist? Want the wasp guys? Wondering if wasps return to the same nest twice? We are here to answer all your questions, and provide help, support and guidance on all pest related problems.
GIVE US A BUZZ AT PGM WASP CONTROL HEREFORD & WORCESTER ON 01981 540088 OR EMAIL US AT contact@pgmpestcontrol.co.uk
