This week we’re looking at the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY – Not the Spaghetti Western but the European and Asian Hornets.
The Good
The Hornet is Mother Nature’s pest controller. They feed on aphids, which makes them a gardener’s dream and the hornet is an important pollinator.
Despite their fearsome appearance the hornet isn’t actually an aggressive pest.
Hornets are quite shy insects and, away from their nest, it’s very rare to encounter a run-in with a hornet. Hornets are also relatively uncommon.
The Bad
Hornets are big, much bigger than the common wasp and due to their size and features their appearance can be alarming.
They also make a very loud buzzing noise which can be quite frightening, particularly near a hornet nest.
Hornets can sting multiple times and, due to the level of venom they carry a single sting can be extremely painful.
The Ugly
The Asian hornet!
Although the Asian hornet doesn’t pose any greater risk to humans than their European cousin, they pose a serious threat to honey bee populations.
They cause major damage to honey bee colonies and you know how we LOVE OUR BEES AT PGM PEST CONTROL!
What to Do If You Spot a Hornet’s Nest?
If you’ve found a hornet’s nest you should call a professional pest controller to give you advice and NEVER APPROACH OR TOUCH OR ATTEMPT TO MOVE A HORNETS’ NEST YOURSELF.
If you’ve got a hornet nest, don’t panic – call PGM Pest Control today on 01981 540088. Or us the live chat facility on our website to chat to a pest expert today.
We’ll get rid of hornets for you, treat hornets’ nests and destroy and remove hornets’ nests for you.
And we don’t just stop at tackling hornets’ nests – give us a call if you’ve got a wasp problem or any other pest problem for that matter!