PGM & Son provides preventative pest control services for residents of Herefordshire. Our staff are specially trained in performing comprehensive household inspections.
The best advice, however, is to not wait until you’re experiencing pest infestations. The damage they can do to your home and the well-being of your family can be devastating.
The best approach is to prevent pests from ever getting a foothold in your home.

PGM & Son provides preventative pest control services for residents and commercial businesses of Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire and South Wales.
Our exterminators are specially trained in performing comprehensive household inspections.
The best advice, however, is to not wait until you’re experiencing pest infestations. The damage they can do to your home and the well-being of your family can be devastating.
The best approach is to prevent pests from ever getting a foothold in your home.
Once they gain entry to your home, insects and rodents gnaw through wood, wires, and drywall, gradually but inevitably leaving no small amount of destruction in their wake.
Even their nesting—in dark, warm, often moist crevices—typically results in rotten wood and mold growth, either or both of which undermine the integrity and longevity of your home. There's one silver lining in all this.
The measures you need to take to minimise the likelihood of an infestation are the very same measures you should take to maximize the energy efficiency of your home.
That is, in one fell swoop, you can pest-proof your home and help lower your monthly utility bills. It all comes down to this: In a tightly sealed, properly protected home, warm air stays indoors while cold air—and pests—stay out.
One caveat is that even if you consider your home to be well defended against both drafts and pests, it may not remain that way throughout the long winter. The whipping winds, freezing rains, and falling snow that characterise winter storms create just the sort of vulnerabilities that pests capitalize on.
Extreme weather puts chinks in the armor of your home in the form of the occasional blown-off shingle or a foundation crack caused by freeze-thaw cycles. If not repaired, these weak spots can lead to pest problems.
